Land Clearing

When searching for an established company to clear your individual lot or acreage project, look no further than Milano Brothers Landscaping. As a Land Clearing Contractor, we are state licensed and insured and have completed clearing projects for individual custom home builders, residential developers, commercial builders, corporations, city/county/state/federal government agencies, and utilities companies.

We offer complete solutions including: Land Clearing, Debris Removal, and Hauling Services for all your project’s needs. We are focused on the successful completion of your Residential, Commercial, Community or Industrial Land Clearing Project.

When clearing an area or project, the end objective is always a primary consideration. A work plan is designed to leave as much of the natural vegetative material as is possible. By doing this, the project can incorporate these natural assets into the final landscaping plan. This mentality reduces the need to purchase replacement plants and trees further reducing costs. All the while providing the finished project with a more attractive and established look, everybody wins!

Start to finish we have the capability to service large and small projects. From under brushing and bush hogging to total lot clearing with building site preparation our land clearing services are second to none.

Contact us today for more information!
631 484 9272 or Email: [email protected]


Ronkonkoma, NY 11779.

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